I found out that I was pregnant on January 8, 2006, when I was 10 weeks gone. Even though I was only 12 at the time (I turned 13 a month later, in February), I decided there and then that I was going to keep the baby – I'd already grown to love it.
I didn't tell my parents, because I knew how mad they would be, and I really couldn't face that. I hid my pregnancy by wearing baggy clothes and spending the majority of my time in my bedroom. As the months passed, I grew more and more excited about meeting my little baby. Just because I hadn't told anyone that I was pregnant, it didn't mean I didn't care. I bought a pregnancy book with my allowance and over the months, it became my bible. It told me everything, from what I should be eating, to a week-by-week pregnancy guide.
When Mia was born, I was on my own. My mum and dad had gone into town to do some shopping. We live quite a way out in the countryside, so we haven't got neighbors nearby.
I'd been having contractions all night, and because no one even knew that I was pregnant, I didn't tell a soul. I just stayed in my room, out of the way. By 11 a.m., the contractions were becoming a lot stronger and harder to hide. It was so hard, trying not to scream with each one.
When my parents went out, I was so relieved. I knew they wouldn't be back for a few hours. About half an hour after they left, I had a massive contraction, along with an unbelievable urge to push down. I lay on my bed, propped up by the pillows, and pushed without thinking. It hurt so bad, and I screamed out as I pushed. I didn't think that it would hurt this much. I pushed and pushed and pushed. I could feel the baby moving down, but every time I stopped pushing, it felt like it had gone back up.
I was getting hysterical by this point, as I just wanted to get this baby out of me. I began pushing down without a contraction, and it hurt so bad, but I didn't stop. I pushed as hard as I could, again and again.
I'd been pushing for about an hour and a half when I reached down and felt the baby's head. I took a deep breath and pushed again. I felt a bad burning, stinging sensation as the head crowned. I yelled in pain and reached down to feel my baby's head. I waited for another contraction, and I pushed again, and again, and again. This baby did not want to come out!
I pulled myself up, so I was squatting, and began to push with all my might. The head slowly came out and I let out an almighty wail as the head was born.
I lay back against the pillows and waited for the next contraction. When it came, I didn't hold back. I pushed and strained and yelled and screamed for all I was worth. The shoulders slowly squeezed out, and with one last massive effort, I pushed my baby girl into the world. She was born after nearly two hours of pushing.
She started crying straight away, and I picked her up and held her close. I felt an amazing rush of love as I cradled her in my arms.
About 10 minutes later, I heard my parents' car pull up in our drive. My mum came upstairs, expecting me to be doing my homework. Instead, she found me half naked, cradling a newborn baby. At first, she looked like she was about to faint; then she went into autopilot. She bundled me and the baby into the car and drove us to the hospital, speeding through every red light in sight.
A few hours later, once everything had settled down a bit, my parents started asking me questions, like, why didn't I tell them and stuff.
I decided to call my baby Mia Dakota. Although I never had one checkup when I was pregnant, both Mia and I were fine. She was full term, 22 inches long, and she weighed 9 pounds, 11 ounces (a big baby, seeing as I'm only just 4 feet, 11 inches).
Once we were back at home, things became a whirlwind of feeds, nappies and no sleep. I had no idea that it would be so hard, looking after one baby. My parents helped me out a lot, though, and now, we're all doing great. Mia is getting really cheeky, and she's got this smile that can melt anyone's heart.
I attended school throughout my pregnancy, and I'm still at school now. My parents look after her during the week when I'm at school, and I look after her in the evenings and at weekends. It's not an ideal situation, but I have to finish my education if I'm ever going to get a good job and be able to provide for Mia. Everything I do in my life is for her.
Some people look down their noses at me, being a teen mum, but I love my daughter more than life itself, and at the end of the day, I think that's all that's important.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Twins and Didn't Know It
When I first discovered I was pregnant, my husband and I were so excited! We had been married for 2 years and were nervously awaiting the arrival of a child.
I decided to go through my pregnancy naturally. I've got to say, it wasn't easy! I couldn't go anywhere without a plastic bag at hand because my morning sickness was so bad! I bought maternity clothes in my 6th week because I was already showing.
I kept really fit throughout my whole pregnancy, walking through the park and eating healthy. Somehow I still gained about 35 pounds! Little did I know.
I first started feeling cramps at work, but I didn't think much about it because they only made me uncomfortable for a few seconds and nothing I couldn't handle. Going to sleep that night I told my husband what I was feeling, but he said just to wait until they got stronger before I worried about it.
The next morning I woke up to a peeing sensation down my leg. My waters had broken! I was thrilled to know that I would soon be rid of this enormous belly.
I found that it was easier to stand up through the contractions so we decided to go for a walk around outside. My contractions weren't that bad; I had to stop every once and a while to breathe through them, but it felt nice to be outside walking so we trooped on.
Things started to pick up unexpectedly and I starting groaning and drawing some attention, and my husband suggested that we turn around for home. I agreed by nodding my head because at this point I could barely talk. Looking back I think that maybe we should not have been in a public place.
My contractions were now two minutes apart and getting stronger. One was so painful that I fell over onto my hands and knees and started panting! How embarrassing! I couldn't get up; I just wouldn't.
My husband urged me to get up so we could go home to a safe spot, but I refused through gritted teeth. There I was, curled up in a ball, kneeling over on the grass, howling in pain in the middle of a park! But I couldn't help it! Everyone knew what was going on because of how huge my stomach was!
We decided that he should run home, grab some towels and we would have to give birth to it right then and there. All alone, I rolled around trying to find a comfy position. Suddenly, I had this giant urge to push that I could not withstand.
Sweating, I pulled down my pants (right now I did not care about my reputation) and gave birth to Joseph Alexander. My husband returned moments later to find him in my arms. We were in bliss.
Ummm, I said as I felt another movement down my vagina. I was having twins! I pushed for about one hour and Katrina Leslie emerged. I was exhausted and so we spent our first few minutes together in the grass.
I would also like to take a moment to share this comment from my blog, which I have translated into English:
Hello, I found this blog by Google and it is interesting; I liked that post. I would like to speak about the CresceNet. The CresceNet is a supplier of internet dialed that pays his users by the time connected. Exactly that that you read, are paying for you connect. The paid supplier 20 cents by hour of connection dialed with local connection over 2100 cities of Brazil. The CresceNet has an accelerator of connection, that leaves its connection to 10 times more quick. Who utilizes wide band can profit also, sufficiency be registered in the CresceNet and when is going to sleep to connect for dialed, is possible pay to ADSL alone with the money of the dialed. In the schedules of unique minute the expense with telephone is minimum and the remuneration of the CresceNet generous. If you will want linkar the Cresce.Net(www.provedorcrescenet.com) in your blog I would stay grateful, to more and success. If i possible add the CresceNet (www. provedorcrescenet. with) in your blogroll, I thank. Good bye friend.
I decided to go through my pregnancy naturally. I've got to say, it wasn't easy! I couldn't go anywhere without a plastic bag at hand because my morning sickness was so bad! I bought maternity clothes in my 6th week because I was already showing.
I kept really fit throughout my whole pregnancy, walking through the park and eating healthy. Somehow I still gained about 35 pounds! Little did I know.
I first started feeling cramps at work, but I didn't think much about it because they only made me uncomfortable for a few seconds and nothing I couldn't handle. Going to sleep that night I told my husband what I was feeling, but he said just to wait until they got stronger before I worried about it.
The next morning I woke up to a peeing sensation down my leg. My waters had broken! I was thrilled to know that I would soon be rid of this enormous belly.
I found that it was easier to stand up through the contractions so we decided to go for a walk around outside. My contractions weren't that bad; I had to stop every once and a while to breathe through them, but it felt nice to be outside walking so we trooped on.
Things started to pick up unexpectedly and I starting groaning and drawing some attention, and my husband suggested that we turn around for home. I agreed by nodding my head because at this point I could barely talk. Looking back I think that maybe we should not have been in a public place.
My contractions were now two minutes apart and getting stronger. One was so painful that I fell over onto my hands and knees and started panting! How embarrassing! I couldn't get up; I just wouldn't.
My husband urged me to get up so we could go home to a safe spot, but I refused through gritted teeth. There I was, curled up in a ball, kneeling over on the grass, howling in pain in the middle of a park! But I couldn't help it! Everyone knew what was going on because of how huge my stomach was!
We decided that he should run home, grab some towels and we would have to give birth to it right then and there. All alone, I rolled around trying to find a comfy position. Suddenly, I had this giant urge to push that I could not withstand.
Sweating, I pulled down my pants (right now I did not care about my reputation) and gave birth to Joseph Alexander. My husband returned moments later to find him in my arms. We were in bliss.
Ummm, I said as I felt another movement down my vagina. I was having twins! I pushed for about one hour and Katrina Leslie emerged. I was exhausted and so we spent our first few minutes together in the grass.
I would also like to take a moment to share this comment from my blog, which I have translated into English:
Hello, I found this blog by Google and it is interesting; I liked that post. I would like to speak about the CresceNet. The CresceNet is a supplier of internet dialed that pays his users by the time connected. Exactly that that you read, are paying for you connect. The paid supplier 20 cents by hour of connection dialed with local connection over 2100 cities of Brazil. The CresceNet has an accelerator of connection, that leaves its connection to 10 times more quick. Who utilizes wide band can profit also, sufficiency be registered in the CresceNet and when is going to sleep to connect for dialed, is possible pay to ADSL alone with the money of the dialed. In the schedules of unique minute the expense with telephone is minimum and the remuneration of the CresceNet generous. If you will want linkar the Cresce.Net(www.provedorcrescenet.com) in your blog I would stay grateful, to more and success. If i possible add the CresceNet (www. provedorcrescenet. with) in your blogroll, I thank. Good bye friend.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Teen Mom's Beautiful Birth at Home
Joshua David Born: September 30, 1999 at 2:27 p.m.
Weighing: 6 pounds, 12 ounces Standing: 19 inches
The decision to have a homebirth was not a hard one. When I first started thinking about being a mommy as a little girl, I wanted to be in control. I have never liked doctors or hospitals. So when I found out I was pregnant, there was no doubt in my mind that my baby was being born at my parent's house where I lived.
My boyfriend was happy with my decision because he was born at home and his mother was a midwife and she would soon become mine. My mom was a little concerned at first because I was only 16, but she knew that my boyfriend's mother (my midwife) wasn't going to let anything happen to her first grandchild. My dad leaves most decisions up to my mom, so he was fine with it. My younger brother and sister loved it because they were able to be present at the time of my son's birth and felt included. My boyfriend's parents were upset that I was so young when I became pregnant, but they both loved the idea of having a homebirth and that my boyfriend's mother could be my midwife. My boyfriend's younger brother and sister were happy to be there too.
I first started experiencing practice-labor about two weeks before Josh's birth. They felt a lot like menstrual cramps. After that, I stopped going to school because we knew it could be any time. I started home schooling with my mom. Over the next week and a half or so, the cramps began to worsen.
Finally, after going to bed the night of the 29th, I woke up when my water broke. I woke my boyfriend up and told him I had wet the bed. He just looked at me and I practically screamed at him that I was in labor. Well, that woke my mom and dad up and they called my boyfriend's parents to get them over ASAP. They arrived about 20 minutes later at about 3:15 a.m. My contractions were about seven to eight minutes apart and about 30 seconds in length. My midwife checked me and said I was about 2. She told me I could get up and move about if I wanted.
Our younger brothers and sisters were upstairs in the living room watching a movie, half-asleep, waiting for some news. So Gabe and I went up to see them. They all jumped up immediately hoping to see a baby. I just laughed and said, I only wish it was that easy! We then went into the kitchen and Gabe got me some O.J. (my favorite) and then I went downstairs to get into our Jacuzzi tub. The warm water and jets felt wonderful.
About 4:30 a.m., I got out and went into the family room where the pullout sofa had been prepared for me. My midwife checked me again and I was about 3-4 centimeters. The contractions had gotten a little longer and stronger. The sun was getting ready to come up and I wanted to go outside to watch, so Gabe and I went out and walked to the end of the driveway. It felt really good outside walking in the fresh air so I decided I wanted to take a walk around the block. I ended up deciding to take a stroll around the neighborhood. When we got back around 6 a.m. and my midwife checked me again, I was still at 4 centimeters.
I decided to rest a while and let Gabe get some more sleep. I called a few of my friends that were supposed to be there when I gave birth to let them in on what was going on. They said they would come over in a couple of hours unless I called first to tell them otherwise. I turned on Little House on the Prairie and watched about two hours of that and MTV with my mom. Gabe woke up then and wanted to know if I was any further along. So I told him to go find his mother and ask her to come check. I was finally to 6 centimeters and almost completely effaced.
My mom then called our grandparents to come over. They came over around 10:30 a.m. followed almost immediately by some of my friends. I wasn't any further dilated, but my midwife said that I was in active labor. FINALLY! I felt like I was getting somewhere at that point. A little later, my contractions were getting a lot worse, so I got back in the tub. WHAT A RELIEF! My friend Ticia sat with me, while Gabe and Heather lit some lavender candles and incense and pulled the curtains in my laboring rooms (basically the whole walkout basement). I had decided long before that I had wanted it to be peaceful when I gave birth and I hate bright light when I'm lying down.
My mom brought down a fruit and cheese tray for me around 12:15 p.m. I got out of the tub and dried off. I went upstairs to sit on the deck and look out at the lake for a little while. It didn't last too long. The sun was too bright for me, so I went back inside and downstairs to candlelight. It was almost 1 p.m. and I was exhausted and ready for my baby to come out. I lay down and my midwife checked me. I was at 8 centimeters and completely effaced.
Gabe and I began working on my breathing and relaxation exercises that we had practiced. I was having some trouble finding my inner strength until my grandma said, Just wait until you hold your son and all of this will be forgotten. That was all I needed to refocus on the fact that all that pain was going to bring my baby, my son, into this world.
Around 2 p.m., my midwife told me I was fully dilated and could push anytime I wanted. About 10 minutes later I was ready to push. Fifteen minutes later, after five small pushes and three really big ones, Gabe caught our firstborn son in his arms. It was 2:27 p.m. on the most beautiful day in my life. Gabe laid him on my stomach. I kissed both my son's and my boyfriend's heads and helped Joshua David latch onto my nipple and start his first meal provided by me - HIS MOMMA!
Weighing: 6 pounds, 12 ounces Standing: 19 inches
The decision to have a homebirth was not a hard one. When I first started thinking about being a mommy as a little girl, I wanted to be in control. I have never liked doctors or hospitals. So when I found out I was pregnant, there was no doubt in my mind that my baby was being born at my parent's house where I lived.
My boyfriend was happy with my decision because he was born at home and his mother was a midwife and she would soon become mine. My mom was a little concerned at first because I was only 16, but she knew that my boyfriend's mother (my midwife) wasn't going to let anything happen to her first grandchild. My dad leaves most decisions up to my mom, so he was fine with it. My younger brother and sister loved it because they were able to be present at the time of my son's birth and felt included. My boyfriend's parents were upset that I was so young when I became pregnant, but they both loved the idea of having a homebirth and that my boyfriend's mother could be my midwife. My boyfriend's younger brother and sister were happy to be there too.
I first started experiencing practice-labor about two weeks before Josh's birth. They felt a lot like menstrual cramps. After that, I stopped going to school because we knew it could be any time. I started home schooling with my mom. Over the next week and a half or so, the cramps began to worsen.
Finally, after going to bed the night of the 29th, I woke up when my water broke. I woke my boyfriend up and told him I had wet the bed. He just looked at me and I practically screamed at him that I was in labor. Well, that woke my mom and dad up and they called my boyfriend's parents to get them over ASAP. They arrived about 20 minutes later at about 3:15 a.m. My contractions were about seven to eight minutes apart and about 30 seconds in length. My midwife checked me and said I was about 2. She told me I could get up and move about if I wanted.
Our younger brothers and sisters were upstairs in the living room watching a movie, half-asleep, waiting for some news. So Gabe and I went up to see them. They all jumped up immediately hoping to see a baby. I just laughed and said, I only wish it was that easy! We then went into the kitchen and Gabe got me some O.J. (my favorite) and then I went downstairs to get into our Jacuzzi tub. The warm water and jets felt wonderful.
About 4:30 a.m., I got out and went into the family room where the pullout sofa had been prepared for me. My midwife checked me again and I was about 3-4 centimeters. The contractions had gotten a little longer and stronger. The sun was getting ready to come up and I wanted to go outside to watch, so Gabe and I went out and walked to the end of the driveway. It felt really good outside walking in the fresh air so I decided I wanted to take a walk around the block. I ended up deciding to take a stroll around the neighborhood. When we got back around 6 a.m. and my midwife checked me again, I was still at 4 centimeters.
I decided to rest a while and let Gabe get some more sleep. I called a few of my friends that were supposed to be there when I gave birth to let them in on what was going on. They said they would come over in a couple of hours unless I called first to tell them otherwise. I turned on Little House on the Prairie and watched about two hours of that and MTV with my mom. Gabe woke up then and wanted to know if I was any further along. So I told him to go find his mother and ask her to come check. I was finally to 6 centimeters and almost completely effaced.
My mom then called our grandparents to come over. They came over around 10:30 a.m. followed almost immediately by some of my friends. I wasn't any further dilated, but my midwife said that I was in active labor. FINALLY! I felt like I was getting somewhere at that point. A little later, my contractions were getting a lot worse, so I got back in the tub. WHAT A RELIEF! My friend Ticia sat with me, while Gabe and Heather lit some lavender candles and incense and pulled the curtains in my laboring rooms (basically the whole walkout basement). I had decided long before that I had wanted it to be peaceful when I gave birth and I hate bright light when I'm lying down.
My mom brought down a fruit and cheese tray for me around 12:15 p.m. I got out of the tub and dried off. I went upstairs to sit on the deck and look out at the lake for a little while. It didn't last too long. The sun was too bright for me, so I went back inside and downstairs to candlelight. It was almost 1 p.m. and I was exhausted and ready for my baby to come out. I lay down and my midwife checked me. I was at 8 centimeters and completely effaced.
Gabe and I began working on my breathing and relaxation exercises that we had practiced. I was having some trouble finding my inner strength until my grandma said, Just wait until you hold your son and all of this will be forgotten. That was all I needed to refocus on the fact that all that pain was going to bring my baby, my son, into this world.
Around 2 p.m., my midwife told me I was fully dilated and could push anytime I wanted. About 10 minutes later I was ready to push. Fifteen minutes later, after five small pushes and three really big ones, Gabe caught our firstborn son in his arms. It was 2:27 p.m. on the most beautiful day in my life. Gabe laid him on my stomach. I kissed both my son's and my boyfriend's heads and helped Joshua David latch onto my nipple and start his first meal provided by me - HIS MOMMA!
Welcome Back!
Welcome to my (new) blog! The new format features Birth Stories that I find funny, sad or touching. Please check frequently, as I will try to post often. Enjoy!
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