Friday, June 8, 2007

A Heartbreaking Experience...

I have placed this story on my blog so people can understand that not all birth stories are happy. Some just don't turn out right, like this one.

Baby Jazmine Stillborn at 40 Weeks
I had a really great pregnancy. Very little morning sickness, none of the usual discomforts you read about pregnancy. I was due November 19, 2005.
Like I said, everything was great. Even my doctor commented on how well everything was going. I gained just the right weight, and the baby was keeping up with her growth weeks.
I went past my due date, but no problem. They always allow you to go at least a week over in your first pregnancy.
On Monday evening, I was concerned that I didn't feel the baby moving. My sister and my husband said that it's usual for the baby to slow down so close to its due date. So I didn't worry. Tuesday morning during my shower, I felt a kick. Well hello, I said, there you are.
I went to my weekly appointment that afternoon. The doctor could not find the baby's heartbeat. Convinced it was just hiding, he sent me to the hospital for an
ultrasound. It was confirmed. My baby had died sometime in the last two days.
There is nothing worse than giving birth to a baby, and there's absolutely no sound, no baby crying, or taking its first breath. I wish nobody had to go through the pain I experienced during this time.
Jazmine Lucille was 6 pounds, 21 inches long, on November 25, 2005. The autopsy revealed that she had outgrown my
placenta. My placenta was not able to support her after a certain size. Otherwise she was absolutely perfect.
The doctor said if they had known of the problem earlier, she would be alive today. At least I have the comfort of knowing our next baby will have a fighting chance, as I will be monitored closely especially after the 30th week. Thank you for reading my story.

Love in the Autopsy Room!

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Things have been crazy! Please, please leave a comment if you have visited this blog, as this is the only way I know that I have readers, and should keep posting to Code Blue! Here is a great story!

Once got hooked up on a date because of an autopsy. I'm a Pathologists' Assistant and post mortem examination is part of my job. I was assisting with a case that was of major interest to the cardiac surgery team. As such, several team members were present in the morgue including the Physician Assistant. I was helping the Pathologist with the evisceration and noticed that the PA kept staring at me. Our morgue was very small and cluttered, so at one point he was asked to move out of the way of the surgeon and because he was staring at me he tripped over the suction pump and almost knocked it down, bringing attention from the other members of the team who looked back and forth at us, smiled and shook their heads. I actually thought he was pretty cute as well, but was trying to be professional. Several days later an EKG tech poked her head into the gross room and caught my attention. She told me he had been asking about me and sent her down to "find out my situation". After she left, the same Pathologist who had been part of the autopsy asked what was going on and I told him. Dr. Vanderbilt is himself quite a fun character, and realizing that I was somewhat interested in the PA decided to take matters into his own hands. He stormed into his office, paged the poor PA at the CVU and demanded that he "ask this girl out- for this weekend! Not next weekend" as "this business is interrupting our lab!"